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JOE BIDEN has been sworn in as America’s 46th president – promising to make the US a ‘beacon to the world’ again and urging its citizens to end the nation’s ‘uncivil war’.

Mr Biden took the oath of office amid surreal scenes in Washington DC, with massive security, social distancing with guests, including former presidents, in masks to combat Covid-19.

The Democrat – at 78 the oldest US president in history – declared ‘democracy has prevailed’ after taking the oath from chief justice John Roberts, using a 19th century Bible – a family heirloom, held by his wife Jill.

He vowed to ‘make America again a leading force for good in the world’ and promised ‘hope not fear, unity not division, light not darkness’. Mr Biden said: My whole soul is in it today. My whole soul is in bringing America’s people together, uniting our nation and I ask every American to join me in this cause.’

Outgoing president Donald Trump snubbed the handover – the first leader to do so since 1869 – and instead left the White House for his Florida resort, still refusing to concede defeat. Mr Biden

refused to mention Mr Trump by name but tried to reassure those who voted for him, while attacking his legacy of ‘a culture in which facts themselves are manipulate­d or manufactur­ed’.

He hailed a ‘day of hope and history’ adding: ‘Recent weeks and months have taught us a painful lesson – there is truth and there are lies.

‘To restore the soul and secure the future of America requires much more than words – it requires the most elusive of all things in a democracy – unity.

‘We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue, rural versus urban, conservati­ve versus liberal. We can do this if we open our souls instead of hardening our hearts, if we show tolerance and humility and if we’re willing to stand in the other person’s shoes for a moment, as my mom would say.

‘In the work ahead of us, we’re going to need each other this dark winter – we must face this pandemic as one nation.’

He told the world: ‘We will repair alliances and engage with the world again. We’ll lead not merely by the example of our power but the power of our example.’

Despite unpreceden­ted security – with 25,000 National Guard troops and secret service agents including snipers in place – the inaugurati­on went so smoothly that Mr Biden was sworn in 12 minutes ahead of the noon schedule.

Taking her oath of office moments earlier, Kamala Harris became the first female, first black and first Asian American vice-president.

Though low-key, the event was starstudde­d. Lady Gaga, 34 – in a red, white and blue Schiaparel­li dress with a huge dove of peace brooch – sang US national anthem The Star-Spangled Banner.

Jennifer Lopez performed Woody Guthrie’s 1940 protest song This Land Is Your Land and country star Garth Brooks sang Amazing Grace.

Ex-presidents Bill Clinton, George W Bush and Barack Obama attended, as well as outgoing vice-president Mike Pence. The other living former president, 96-year-old Jimmy Carter, did not attend because of health fears.

US youth poet laureate Amanda Gorman, 22, read The Hill We Climb, which she adapted to reflect the attack on Congress by Trump fanatics on January 6.

Mr Biden said: ‘A riotous mob thought they could use violence to silence the will of the people, to stop the work of democracy. To drive us from this sacred ground. It did not happen. It will never happen. Not today, not tomorrow. Not ever.’

He identified four ‘cascading crises’ to solve – coronaviru­s which has killed 400,000 and ruined firms, climate change, racial inequality and political division.

Last night, he enacted a wave of executive orders to reverse key Trump policies – returning the US to the World Health Organizati­on and Paris agreement on climate change. He is set to stop work on the Mexican border wall and make masks mandatory in federal buildings.

The Queen sent a private message to Mr Biden. And prime minister Boris Johnson said: ‘It’s a fantastic thing for America – a step forward for the country that has been through a bumpy period. For us and America, it’s a big moment.’

 ?? REUTERS ?? Take a vow: Joe Biden raises his hand to recite the oath of office yesterday
REUTERS Take a vow: Joe Biden raises his hand to recite the oath of office yesterday
 ?? REUTERS ?? Glove you: President Joe Biden kisses wife, Jill, after the ceremony
REUTERS Glove you: President Joe Biden kisses wife, Jill, after the ceremony
 ??  ??
 ?? REUTERS ?? In touch: Vice-president Kamala Harris celebrates, fist bumping with Mr Biden
REUTERS In touch: Vice-president Kamala Harris celebrates, fist bumping with Mr Biden
 ?? REX ?? Flag day: US banners replace people at the Capitol. Mr Biden’s speech (inset)
REX Flag day: US banners replace people at the Capitol. Mr Biden’s speech (inset)
 ?? GETTY ?? Solemn vow: Joe Biden is sworn in to become the 46th US president
GETTY Solemn vow: Joe Biden is sworn in to become the 46th US president
 ?? REUTERS ?? Vice to see you: Mr Pence, Ms Harris and partners chat after ceremony
REUTERS Vice to see you: Mr Pence, Ms Harris and partners chat after ceremony
 ??  ??
 ?? REUTERS ?? Jenny’s on the block: Jennifer Lopez performs in front of vice-president Kamala Harris
REUTERS Jenny’s on the block: Jennifer Lopez performs in front of vice-president Kamala Harris
 ?? REUTERS ?? Folk hero: J-Lo sings protest song This Land Is Your Land during the ceremony
REUTERS Folk hero: J-Lo sings protest song This Land Is Your Land during the ceremony
 ?? REUTERS ?? Capitol Bill: Ex-president Clinton and wife Hillary
REUTERS Capitol Bill: Ex-president Clinton and wife Hillary
 ?? REUTERS ?? Trooper: Lady Gaga arrives on soldier’s arm and [inset] singing The StarSpangl­ed Banner
REUTERS Trooper: Lady Gaga arrives on soldier’s arm and [inset] singing The StarSpangl­ed Banner
 ?? REX ?? Barack in town: Ex-president Obama and Michelle
REX Barack in town: Ex-president Obama and Michelle
 ?? REUTERS ?? Bush hour: George W Bush and wife Laura
REUTERS Bush hour: George W Bush and wife Laura

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