Metro (UK)




VICTORIA PENDLETON, the double Olympic gold medal-winning cyclist, loves long periods of outdoor exercise every day – for her, clean air is very important. It’s not surprising, then, that when energy and solutions provider E.ON informed Victoria that 62 per cent of people miss the clean air they experience­d during the UK’s first national lockdown, she wanted to know more.

And now Victoria is fronting the company’s new air quality campaign, Change The Weather.

What do you do to stay fit and healthy?

To stay fit I try and exercise every day for about an hour and a half. I don’t hold myself strictly accountabl­e to going out and exercising every day but I do try and do a little bit of something, even if it’s just a 25minute walk.

When I exercise for longer, I usually run cross country, ride my mountain bike along green lanes or exercise my two horses. They are kept in a livery that is a 25-minute bike ride from my home.

I stay healthy with a very clean, plant-based diet, which I started following eight years ago. I actually grew a lot of my vegetables this summer. I had done it in the past but not every year.

I have an extensive herb and spice collection and I’m very experiment­al. The other day I made a tagine, a north African dish, with lots of spices such as cinnamon and a mixture of carrots, mushrooms, peppers, onion, courgettes, garlic, dried apricots, ground almonds and some tomatoes, from my garden. It is usually served with couscous, but I served it with sweet potatoes.

What are your secret vices?

They include going all-out when I treat myself. I never go for, say, a diet version of a chocolate brownie. Instead, I go for a rich chocolatey version with a big blob of vegan ice cream. For me, going all-out makes the treat worth it!

What good intentions concerning your physical fitness have you not acted on?

I always intend to be kinder to myself when I exercise, but then I just get into the zone of being an athlete. When I cycle, for example, I find myself getting faster and faster and faster... I find it very hard to slow down or stop and take in the scenery.

How is your physical health?

It’s good, I generally feel quite healthy. I actually felt less healthy as an athlete because my body was pushed so hard every day. I used to feel sore and achy when I woke up in the morning and was susceptibl­e to catching colds because the intense training I did suppressed my immune system. Since retiring [in 2012] I’ve caught fewer colds and minor ailments because my body is not working so hard. Although I was fitter as an athlete, I’m more healthy now.

Has your working life contribute­d to a healthier you?

Yes, I think so because it gives me a lot of freedom and flexibilit­y. I work with brands such as E.ON, do public speaking, oversee my bike range at Halfords, as well as work with mental health and children’s charities.

I have what’s called a ‘portfolio career’, but sometimes I envy people who have a regular job.

How have three national lockdowns due to the Covid-19 pandemic impacted you?

They have impacted me both positively and negatively. The most positive aspect is that I’ve not had to worry about what I’m wearing or who I’m wearing, which has alleviated stress from my life.

I can’t remember the last time I put on a pair of high-heeled shoes and some make-up, apart from a little bit of mascara. I quite like that, because now I don’t feel the pressure to feed expectatio­ns, by presenting myself in a certain way.

The negative aspect of lockdown is that I can’t catch up with my friends and family face-to-face. I’m looking forward to doing that again.

How is your mental health?

It’s fine now, but two years ago I was in a really dark place. I had to give up an Everest expedition after suffering hypoxia, which is when your blood oxygen goes very low due to being at high altitude. One of the knock-on effects is that it can trigger anxiety and depression.

When I came home I had a lot of things going on personally and it was too much to deal with. I was diagnosed with severe depression but felt that as an Olympic athlete I should be able to fight my way out of it, but couldn’t.

I needed help and support. I went to see a couple of counsellor­s, but also had the support of my family and a member of the

Olympic team. I don’t know how I would manage my mental health, now, without regular fitness activities, to be perfectly honest.

Exercise keeps me balanced mentally and that’s why I prioritise it every day.

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