Metro (UK)

You’d have to walk in my shoes to see the effect of racism


I read all the comments about the Oprah interview and am sad that most of them still see Harry and Meghan in a very negative way (MetroTalk, Wed).

Every time something has been printed about Meghan, there have been nasty and racist comments from the public. How on earth can someone deal with that kind of negativity and be in a good frame of mind?

I’m a 61-year-old mixed-race woman with a black father and a white mother and it was racism that nearly gave my mother a mental breakdown.

I’ve suffered from racism. However, being strong in my mind has helped me cope, even though it doesn’t make it better. You know in life there are people who are ‘copers’ and ‘noncopers’ – the ‘noncopers’ need a little more help and understand­ing.

So please don’t think Meghan was moaning or whining when she got upset about someone in the palace asking what colour skin Archie may have when he was born.

You would have to walk in my shoes or Meghan’s shoes to even have an inkling of what it is like to be a person of colour. Every day you have to work that much harder. We are all members of a race – it’s called the human race.

Sara, East London

Meghan and Harry made a statement as regards the colour of their baby’s skin and this has shocked the world. However, at present this statement is unsubstant­iated and one-sided.

There’s no evidence and until there is, it should be regarded as speculatio­n or, at the most, what they ‘perceived’ a remark to mean.

In my opinion, their Oprah Winfrey interview was centred on sensation, with insufficie­nt detail to back up anything. It was like reading headlines without reading the details.

Gail Jones, Crossgates

Anyone with common sense could see that this was not going to be an easy ride for Harry and Meghan.

I have four beautiful grandchild­ren and never once did I ask what colour they would be, I just prayed for mother and child to be delivered safely (father white, mother black).

Racism does exist in this country and anyone who says it doesn’t lives on Mars. I say this because I came over with the Windrush generation and look what happened there, so I applaud Harry and Meghan for speaking out.

It beggars belief that Meghan can be trashed while Prince Andrew can still go about his routine, even though we know about the parties he attended.

There’s so much that can be brought up but it’s pointless because this country has a short memory. Bee, Tottenham

While I sympathise with anyone that has endured racism, I think it’s time for us all to move on.

We live in a multicultu­ral society that has enhanced all our lives. Many people from many countries have achieved success here in the UK.

I think our lives would be far worse without diversity but please stop using every remark as one of extreme racism. Let’s embrace how good life is.

David Penprase, Cornwall

■ I’d like to know the qualificat­ions of all these white middle-aged men who feel entitled to interpret what black people say.

Lee McKee, Greenwich

 ??  ?? Family: Meghan and. Harry with Archie.
Family: Meghan and. Harry with Archie.

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