Metro (UK)


- Colleen, via email

Disgusting form: Piers Morgan won’t be missed by many viewers of GMB

■ Piers Morgan has left Good of gratitude for being instrument­al in Morning Britain after saying he didn’t getting Morgan off our screens! believe a word of what Meghan had told Oprah Winfrey about her suicidal thoughts (Metro, Tue).

He won’t be missed. He was rude to the guests he didn’t like, interrupte­d people and almost never allowed cohost Susanna Reid to speak.

He was upset Meghan ghosted him. He’s unprofessi­onal and I hope he doesn’t find another job in TV.

Tim Baros, Covent Garden

■ Say what you like about Meghan and Harry but we all owe them a debt

■ Morgan has form. In 2017, he dismissed pop star Will Young’s claims of suffering PTSD, saying he had ‘whiny, needy, twerp syndrome’. With Nigel Farage, Donald Trump and now Morgan gone, spring is finally here!

Paula, Tottenham

■ I’m with Piers on this and won’t watch Good Morning Britain again. What a circus this Harry and Meghan marriage has been.

HUMAN rights groups have called on the UN to intervene over the arrest last month of a lawyer who works for Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny.

Lyubov Sobol, 33, faces up to two years in prison, for violating coronaviru­s restrictio­ns by calling for protests in support of the jailed opposition leader.

Campaigner­s say it ‘exposes Kremlin hypocrisy’ because a referendum, which increased Vladimir Putin’s power, was held despite the pandemic.

Meanwhile, Russia is to slow down the speed of Twitter over the US platform’s alleged failure to remove banned content. It comes weeks after authoritie­s claimed posts illegally urged children to take part in anti-Putin protests.

 ??  ?? Roger, Sunderland
Roger, Sunderland
 ??  ?? Detained: Lyubov Sobol
Detained: Lyubov Sobol

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