Metro (UK)


- by Patrick Arundell

Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20

What nurtures you most? While certain foods do, this might be more a question of what you take in emotionall­y and socially. Are you absorbing good vibes or less positive ones? Do you have a healthy support system? If not, put your needs first.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0410 (60p/min)

Taurus Apr 21 – May 21

You may feel overly sensitive. Even if someone is just making a point, you could take it the wrong way. This is not your natural style. Everything might seem loaded but as your perception may be skewed, it’s best not to take it personally.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0411 (60p/min)

Gemini May 22 – Jun 21

There may be a conflict of interests. Do you go with the official line or follow your heart? It could be tricky if you don’t want to fall out with someone in authority. At the same time, you need to do what is best for you. For your forecast, call 0906 474 0412 (60p/min)

Cancer Jun 22 – Jul 23

The current mash-up of asteroid Ceres with celestial body Chiron could inspire you to take a look at what’s going on. If you lack confidence to take that next step, someone who can support you may be invaluable. A life coach or trusted friend might step in. For your forecast, call 0906 474 0413 (60p/min)

Leo Jul 24 – Aug 23

Today’s Moon-Mercury tie can bring you closer to someone, whether you’re keen to break the ice regarding a love interest or just want to get to know them better. You may be surprised at how much you have in common.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0414 (60p/min)

Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 23

Want to make something a habit? Just repeat it! As not all habits are equal, there may be some you’re keen to get rid of. A lunar link to Mercury can inspire a search for ways to do this. The key might to be substitute the bad action with a good one. For your forecast, call 0906 474 0415 (60p/min)

Libra Sep 24 – Oct 23

The urge to be generous and helpful could clash with a need to protect what is yours. These two strands run counter to each other, which can be draining unless you realise what is happening. It’s great to assist others but you’ll need to draw a line too. For your forecast, call 0906 474 0416 (60p/min)

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

As two upbeat planets forge a lovely tie with Neptune, the coming days can see you in pursuit of pleasure. The idea of losing yourself in a novel, movie or other form of entertainm­ent may appeal, as could connecting with that special person.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0417 (60p/min)

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

No matter how good your ideas are, they will be wasted if you don’t have the confidence to discuss them. What might be causing you to feel this way? You could question your ability and wonder if anyone will listen. For your forecast, call 0906 474 0418 (60p/min)

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20

You may feel sympathy for someone going through difficulti­es but that doesn’t mean you should feel bad. Although you empathise with their predicamen­t, you can be more useful if you use your skills to help them find a solution.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0419 (60p/min)

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

Opportunit­ies can open up at every turn. The more knowledge you have at your fingertips, the more you’ll be keen to get involved. A sizzling encounter could find you drawn to someone who seems to have a wild side. For your forecast, call 0906 474 0420 (60p/min)

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

Venus could inspire you to connect with those who share your beliefs. But she can also encourage you to volunteer your time to a charity and be there for others. Looking for advice? Make sure the informatio­n comes from a trusted source. For your forecast, call 0906 474 0421 (60p/min)

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