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The tv presenter swapped working in her pyjamas for keeping fit and has started a new business


DJ AND TV presenter Maya Jama may have plenty of energy on air, but at home during lockdown she often doesn’t make it past slippers and pyjamas. But she is learning to love being active at home, and has also been working on her recently launched skincare brand MIJ Masks.

What are you missing most in lockdown?

I miss seeing my friends and family the most. I haven’t been able to see them for a while now and we’re all really close-knit so that’s been the hardest part of lockdown for me. Trying to make the most of things but it’s obviously just not the same speaking virtually to someone.

How has your schedule changed during lockdown?

It’s changed drasticall­y and at first it was difficult to adjust. I found myself having a lot of pent-up energy so I would just run around the house in between Zoom calls and then slightly kid myself into thinking I would do something super-productive. I’m so used to running around London, not having a chance to catch my breath, going in between jobs. Importantl­y, it has given me a chance to focus a lot more on myself and my own mental health, but gradually more and more production­s are happening again with strict Covid protocols in place. So I feel very thankful to be busy and recording new shows in person again with fantastic crews.

Are you Zoom’d out?

I am pretty Zoom’d out – I don’t like starring at a screen for so long and being sat in the same position. I have a lot of energy, so I find myself sometimes moving around the house every so often. Which I’m sure is distractin­g for those on the other end, but it helps keep me focused and lifts my mood.

Have you picked up any strange lockdown habits?

I’ve been spending way more time than I should shopping online. I’ve been getting silly presents and pranks sent to my friend’s house and it has been a laugh. Just another way to keep spirits high.

Any positives?

This is probably the most time I’ve had at home since I started working when I was 16 and it’s definitely been a shock to the system. The pandemic has definitely changed work for us all, but I have in some way learnt to appreciate the change and spend more time focusing on what I want and putting some of my lifelong dreams into play. I have focused a lot of my energy into launching MIJ Masks and taking the time to turn my dreams into reality.

Do you have a routine?

During the first lockdown last year, I spent the majority of my time working from home in my pyjamas or a tracksuit. The novelty definitely wore off and I found that having a routine was important to keep productive and focused.

What kind of exercise are you doing?

The first initial lockdown I spent as a sloth while everyone was out on their Strava runs and home workouts. I would say my workout is jumping around to loud house music. Once second lockdown came around, my goal was to get fit so I tried to schedule some form of exercise into my day and signed up with Fiit, which often gives me the motivation I need to get active.

Have you picked up any lockdown trends?

I started a TikTok at the very start of the first lockdown and have been shamelessl­y spending too much time trying to get the dance moves right. I’ll be really invested in a particular sequence and look back to see an hour has flown by. I’ve also always been terrible at making meals from scratch at home, so I’m stepping up my cooking game.

Has isolation changed you?

I don’t think it has changed my personalit­y, but it has made me appreciate many things I took for granted and I’m thankful for all the huge effort and sacrifices so many people made to keep everyone safe.

Can we be a better society when we get out of this?

I hope so. It’s been immensely tough at times but on the whole I like to think we’ve come together as a nation and it’s helped prioritise some important issues.

What’s the first thing you’ll do when this is over?

Go for a big meal out with my friends and then have a little house warming. I moved into a new place just before lockdown but haven’t really had anyone over yet.

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