Metro (UK)




7. Flying holiday? (5,2,3,3)

8. Hang around road with an inhabitant of Africa (8)

9. Detail from 6 (4)

10. Gleans they are higher beings (6)

12. Not under control as a result of publicity given to split? (6)

14. The sort of predicamen­t an abrasive person will get into? (6)

16. Her cue for game (6)

18. Give out 9 (4)

20. Could one link rage with this Shakespear­e character? (4,4)

22. One most unlikely to have swallowed a dictionary? (3,2,3,5)


1. Chance I’m taking to become a skilled workman (8)

2. A meeting place in the street (6)

3. Note: it loses a thousand and becomes quite small (4)

4. How old is the rock? Palaeolith­ic or neolithic (5,3)

5. No rise for one’s superior (6)

6. When to return 18? (4)

11. Slink away – the tell-tale is leaving (5,3)

13. Are they in hospital teams? (8)

15. Movement indicates first part of play is being performed (6)

17. Inexperien­ced enough to daunt about everybody (6)

19. Intend to be stingy (4)

21. Reporters from all quarters (4)

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