Metro (UK)

Even when it was the law, no one on trains enforced it


JC (MetroTalk, Thu) says the majority of people on the Tube she sees not wearing a mask are men.

The majority of the (few) people I see not wearing a mask in the supermarke­t are women, often with young children.

But all this agonising about whether mask-wearing should still be mandatory on public transport is a joke as Transport for London and train companies consistent­ly fail to enforce it.

Michael, Kingston upon Thames

Given it’s mostly men she sees not wearing a mask, JC asks whether a penis gives protection against Covid (lol!)

Going by the number of idiots wearing them around their chins and wrists, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some starting to model it round that particular body part…

Steve Gentle, Rush Green

So London mayor Sadiq Khan wants masks to remain in use on the Tube and

buses? That’s fine, provided people act responsibl­y and actually use them.

Maybe he should try taking a trip on the Jubilee line one morning. On just one journey, I have seen people take their masks off to do their make-up, not bother with the mask as they are using their mobile phone and worse – all of this while on a crowded train.

These people do not care about anyone else. I will carry on using a mask and will continue to use it to protect those around me. Unlike some.

Antony Ding, Birchingto­n-on-Sea

The government is completely reckless to abandon all Covid legal restrictio­ns on Monday. It will quite clearly be in breach of its duty of care to the British public. Court action might well follow, especially if hospitalis­ations and fatalities rise at a fast rate. People will take legal action because of government neglect.

Scott, West London

 ??  ?? Do the right thing: Face coverings remain compulsory on London’s public transport
Do the right thing: Face coverings remain compulsory on London’s public transport

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