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You’re going head-to-head with Stanley Tucci in TV show La Fortuna. What’s it about? My character, Jonas Pierce, is an internatio­nal lawyer who deals in the misappropr­iation of heritage. And in this instance, he’s trying to protect the cultural heritage of Spain from Stanley Tucci’s character, Frank Wild. And, well, you’ll have to see whether he wins or not.

Stanley’s character is a treasure hunter who pockets what he finds. Is he a modern-day adventurer or a glorified pirate?

If it’s not yours, leave it alone, put it back. Germany is talking about sending back the Benin Bronzes to Benin and Egypt is still asking for some of its treasures back. Maybe it will open up a conversati­on, who knows?

La Fortuna was shot in Spain. You’ve lived and travelled around Europe extensivel­y. Spent much time in Madrid?

Not as much as I’d like. I’ve got friends in Spain I threatened to come and visit but never had the chance to. The last time I was in Madrid must have been about, oh gosh, 22, 23 years ago. Prior to that, back in the 1970s – before Franco decided to give up the ghost – Spain was the place to go. It was cheap, cheerful and full of good liquor and crazy nights. I’m beyond that now, though.

You prefer to partake of the siestas rather than the wild nights now?

[Laughs] Yeah, that’s right. I’m looking forward to the siestas, that’s a good way to put it!

Did you brush up on some classic legal dramas in preparatio­n for the role?

What, like Perry Mason? No! But it did give me an opportunit­y to speak to my truth. And that is really the question that Jonas puts to the court, about the state of humanity and some of the virtues we’ve just let go. There’s no respect any longer, everyone is sort of self-centred, ego-driven, material-driven – and for me that just leaves a very dry human being. What I liked about Jonas is the platform he stands on, particular­ly with the law. As an American, we can see that the law is flouted in any way that works for whomever has the most money or for political gain. What have we come to? What have we all really come to? That’s the conversati­on I would prefer to ignite rather than the fortunes of war.

Spain was the place. It was cheap, cheerful and full of good liquor and crazy nights

Was this your first time working with Stanley Tucci?

This was the first time and we’ve fortunatel­y been able to do another gig together in the States and it has been lovely working with him. He’s got a mischievou­s look behind his eyes that I like in an actor, you know, because I know he’s going to throw something at me that isn’t in the script and that will be fun to play with. I’ve got a lot of time for this cat. And I learned from him because Stanley has been doing this for a lot longer than I have. I’m a stage actor, he’s a film actor. Watching him take his time and allow the camera to observe the process that’s going on behind the character’s eyes… he’s brilliant at that. So if you’re reading this, Stanley, yeah, that’s a big plug for you. You’d better give me a big plug too!

It’s 20 years this year since The Wire debuted. Any plans for a reunion?

Just a couple of weeks ago we were all gathered for the first time in a while to memorialis­e Michael K Williams [who played Omar]. We hadn’t seen each other for a long time and there was a moment of silence that wasn’t just for Michael but it was for the end of The Wire, for all of the time we had spent together. There was gratitude across the board for having had the experience and to be a part of something that Ed Burns and David Simon had put together. None of us knew that it was going to be what it is. We didn’t know what truths we were putting out there. The only way to look at that one is to say thank you, Lord, for that – it was a blessing.

Do you think it still resonates to this day?

I hope people continue to discover it. I hope people continue to see the parallels between Baltimore and wherever their cities or their states or their countries are because it’s a template that we’re all living under. Let’s put it that way. It’s more than just a good yarn. There’s a lot of insight and research in that. What I gleaned from that, more than anything else, is that not all criminals are criminals. Some people who we say are criminals are just the collateral damage of a society that hasn’t really looked after them or allowed them to be.

La Fortuna is on AMC every Monday at 9pm. Available exclusivel­y to BT TV customers

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 ?? ?? . Memorial:. . Michael K Williams.
. Memorial:. . Michael K Williams.
 ?? ?? . Mischievou­s:. . Stanley Tucci.
. Mischievou­s:. . Stanley Tucci.

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