Metro (UK)


- By Patrick Arundell


Mar 21 – Apr 20

There can be some hiccups to deal with so things may take longer than expected. Working with others? Some might not be on the same page so it’s worth checking before issues arise. You could wonder how certain people view you. It’s more how you think about yourself that counts!


Apr 21 – May 21

If you’ve been wondering about the future then the hunt for new opportunit­ies could slow as you take a step back to consider what you really want. Don’t rush to decide anything over the next few weeks, as you might so easily change your mind.


May 22 – Jun 21

If you have travel plans and financial offers on the go then both may be affected. You might have to deal with delays that could cause things to drag on. Keep emails, receipts and paperwork, and check times of flights and hotel bookings. It’s better to be cautious.


Jun 22 – Jul 23

The Moon’s links with Venus and Uranus could coincide with an encounter that helps to reset a relationsh­ip. Fate may bring you together so you can hold a healing conversati­on. There’s also a chance of connecting with someone from the past who you might not have seen in a while.


Jul 24 – Aug 23

You may be ready to make an investment into something, even though you won’t see a return for some time. This opportunit­y could come out of the blue but it’s a good idea to be quick off the mark. Mercury’s rewind phase can result in mixed messages, so if you need to arrange anything, get in sync.


Aug 24 – Sep 23

Wondering about your ability to make romantic bonds? This may be down to Venus backtracki­ng in your dating zone, causing you to doubt yourself. You’re focusing on your flaws rather than your good points. You might be very aware of this tendency right now, giving you a chance to reverse it.


Sep 24 – Oct 23

The Moon in a private zone may coincide with a desire to reflect on matters. A realisatio­n that comes to you could inspire you to review ideas about yourself. Issues around selfworth might show up and someone can pay you a compliment that changes the way you see yourself.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Feel that you and another have grown distant? Today may bring a chance to sort this out in the nicest way possible. If you get an idea to give them a call, then follow through. They might have been thinking about you too so it could be very welcome.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

Have an experience to share? The Moon in a prominent zone could inspire you to discuss something interestin­g with others. Bringing it out into the open will help them feel like they’re not the only one who’s been through this and can give them confidence.

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20

In need of something to spice up your life? With the Moon making some sterling aspects, you may be drawn by a new experience that could make today special. It might be a cultural event such as an exhibition or concert that opens your mind, or an encounter that gives much food for thought.

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

Something that was hidden may come into the light, bringing a sense of relief and release. Perhaps you’ll get insights into someone’s motives for recent behaviour, or even into yourself, for things you want to do or have failed to do. This needn’t be anything earth-shattering.


Feb 20 – Mar 20

Someone new on the block? You may be the one to reach out and take them under your wing. And if you sense they are a kindred spirit, this bond can prove a breath of fresh air. Plus, fiery Mars in the last degrees of Sagittariu­s, urges you to complete something as soon enough your focus will shift.


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