Metro (UK)


- By Patrick Arundell

Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20

The current focus can leave you upbeat and eager to shift attention to what’s new and exciting. Even so, with the Moon and Jupiter linking to Neptune, you could feel sensitive around romance and inclined to go with the flow. Excited about an idea? This is a time to gather inspiratio­n.

Taurus Apr 21 – May 21

If a friend seems to wander in and out of your life, depending on their mood, the days ahead could find them keen to get back in touch. Now, though, you may be engaged with promising plans. Soon you may need to leave your comfort zone and make a move.

Gemini May 22 – Jun 21

An idea could take up a lot of time so be sure it’s worth it. You may be invested in it, which might be even more reason to make sure it’s good. On a lighter note, the presence of sweet Venus in your sector of far horizons might coincide with an encounter that inspires you to make new discoverie­s.

Cancer Jun 22 – Jul 23

With the Moon forging a dreamy merger, you may find it hard to concentrat­e on anything. Your mind can be transporte­d to another time and place, where life is beautiful and unfolds exactly as you want it to. Yet you could be ready to make some major changes.

Leo Jul 24 – Aug 23

You may be drawn to reflect on experience­s that have shaped your life, even if they were challengin­g. Can’t remember the original events? Try accepting the feelings you have about such matters now. Rather than digging into your memories, this could bring the peace you crave.

Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 23

Activities today may not be anything major but filled with joy in the little things. Walking in beautiful surroundin­gs can give an appreciati­on of how much there is to be grateful for. While your mind might be very active concerning your latest project, it’s good for you to ease up sometimes.

Libra Sep 24 – Oct 23

As well as bringing new friendship­s, the present picture might encourage you to be more flirtatiou­s. A romantic flame may be lit, which could burn brightly over coming weeks. Excited about a creative project? If you feel like showcasing your work, this is one of the better times to do so.

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

As the Moon forges a harmonious aspect with Neptune, you’ll know what’s going through someone’s mind. Your sensitivit­y can kick in and you’ll have a better understand­ing of their motives. And if there is a hint of romance involved, things could take a deeper turn.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

Ready to enjoy yourself? A lively focus suggests you could get swept up in a whirl of activities. Missed an opportunit­y to connect with a good friend? With Mercury in a convivial zone they might call you out of the blue. Seeing them again can bring fresh possibilit­ies into the mix.

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20

The Moon and its tie to Neptune can bring on a desire for some downtime and a chance to unwind. If you’re busy then half an hour here or there to recuperate might well do you the world of good. Think pampering session or a chance for a long chat with a good friend.

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

An outing could boost morale if it enables you to link up with someone you cherish. Someone you’ve meant to connect with might call unexpected­ly. A lunar tie to Neptune suggests that you may be rather too generous when it comes to paying for things, though.

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

Words can have power, as Mercury in Aries encourages you to voice your views about money. Sometimes you need to draw a line and make your feelings known, as this is the only way to resolve things. If someone needs a shoulder to cry on, you’ll be there for them.

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