Metro (UK)




Mar 21 – Apr 20

Feel as if you’ve reached a dead end? If you’re facing difficulti­es, think about reconsider­ing your plan. The awkward angle between the Scorpio Moon and Pluto suggests you won’t want to give up easily. If you spot a loophole that you can take advantage of, you may yet succeed.


Apr 21 – May 21

You may be buzzing about a plan, but other people’s doubts might dilute your focus. To make the best of the coming days, trust your instincts – you can always start small. That way you could change tack if you need to. You’ll soon prove the unbeliever­s wrong.


May 22 – Jun 21

You may be over-cautious in one area of life but feel like being more spontaneou­s in another. Treading a middle path might help you avoid mistakes. If you’re finding a situation tricky, the temptation to drop it could be strong. Take a closer look, as there might be a learning curve.


Jun 22 – Jul 23

The Moon-Pluto angle can give you valuable insights into a situation that’s been bugging you. And although you could be ready to do anything to end this, reflecting on it might help you see a way through. A willingnes­s to think out of the box may yield gold. Soon you’ll be glad you persisted.


Jul 24 – Aug 23

If you sense that something isn’t as it seems then trust your gut, as you’re more in sync with the complexiti­es of a situation than you realise. It’s best to tackle the matter right away. Need someone’s expertise to help you? Don’t hesitate, just ask, as knowing there’s a way out can be such a relief.


Aug 24 – Sep 23

While your friends may be a constant source of support, they can make mistakes, as could be the case today. If someone has advice to share, be sure they know what they’re talking about. Check the source and ask a few pertinent questions before you take them up on it.


Sep 24 – Oct 23

Feelings may be more intense than usual, which can make it harder to maintain a diplomatic approach to certain people. Tact could prevent you from being as honest as you’d like. There are times when you can’t avoid being truthful – doing so now might clear the air.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Today could find you in an uncompromi­sing mood, which might work against you. You may be reading more into a situation than is there. Friends could inspire you to rethink things. And it might help to discuss a key issue before you make an irreversib­le decision.


Nov 23 – Dec 21

Taking charge of your wellbeing could lead to fresh efforts to maintain good health. Most of all, the cosmos encourages you to give thought to your wellness routine. Being someone who is generous in so many ways, it’s time to start giving back to yourself, Archer.


Dec 22 – Jan 20

While you’re capable of ignoring your feelings so business can be done, a more ethereal focus may see you embracing them and more willing to reach out to help others. You could toggle between both over the next day or so. But know that someone, somewhere might be grateful for your help.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

The Moon in Scorpio and a high-flying zone could empower you, yet its link to Pluto might cause you to focus intensely on an opportunit­y. Don’t forget it – you just need to be realistic. Avoid putting more pressure on yourself than is necessary and get a clear idea of what’s in it for you.


Feb 20 – Mar 20

You can try ignoring an issue by pretending it doesn’t exist, but that will only make things worse. It might seem easier to bury your head in the sand, and the Moon’s angle with Pluto suggests that facing up to an issue may seem daunting, but if you start with baby steps, you’ll soon smash it.

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