Metro (UK)




Mar 21 – Apr 20

It’s time to embrace your leadership abilities and fearlessly chart new career moves. Let go of the old with the determinat­ion of a pioneer forging ahead. March forward with confidence, as today’s Quarter Moon in Capricorn encourages you to tackle complex tasks with gusto.


Apr 21 – May 21

Feel driven to go after something without knowing why? Perhaps it’s time to question your decision. You may be enthusiast­ic now, but what if obstacles show up? It’s time to bulldoze through any barriers and wrap up that bold project.


May 22 – Jun 21

You may be prompted to tie up loose ends, Gemini. Prepare to bid farewell to lingering matters, clearing the runway for better things. Resolve issues with grace and emotional intelligen­ce. In letting go, you pave the path for some wonderful new adventures and unforeseen opportunit­ies.


Jun 22 – Jul 23

Need to finish a big project or close a key deal? Lean on your friends for their support. They’ll rally behind you, infusing your efforts with practical positivity. With such camaraderi­e working on your behalf, there’s nothing you can’t conquer. At the same time, someone may have helpful pointers.


Jul 24 – Aug 23

You’re ready to say goodbye to outdated habits and embrace the joy of fresh routines. Prepare to usher in a time of productivi­ty. Embracing change can be a practical solution to a complex issue, Leo. In it lies the key to greater happiness and freedom. Avoid clinging on to whatever needs to go.


Aug 24 – Sep 23

Are you caught in a tug-of-war between tradition and innovation? Enjoy the challenge, for hidden within this issue lies the alchemy of creativity. Use the wisdom of the past while daring to chart new territory. True brilliance can emerge at the point between the familiar and the unexplored.


Sep 24 – Oct 23

Enjoy working in a team, as you and your significan­t other embark on a household makeover. With a shared vision, you can transform your living space into a sanctuary of peace. Consider a blend of comfort and style that will create the perfect setting for family activities.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

It’s time to revamp your routines and embrace fresh habits. You’ll find that committing to the art of clear communicat­ion greatly aids fruitful collaborat­ions. Today’s Quarter Moon can assist you in navigating the tricky terrain of systems and time management.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

You may feel you should take a responsibl­e attitude to money. But if you’re hot on the trail of a great idea, impressing the right person might require investment in yourself. You’ll be at your most creative and entreprene­urial. Take a calculated risk, and you’re less likely to go wrong.

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20

Something good may be coming your way. If a plan has come to fruition and everything is finally slotting into place after a lot of hard work, why not invite a few friends along to celebrate? An exciting opportunit­y is showing its first shoots. Nurture them with care, and you’ll reap the rewards.

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

Reconcile any fixed inner patterns with your love of free thinking. If you can, you’ll have the power to make astute decisions. The prudence of the Capricorn Moon can ground your dreams and the spontaneit­y of the Aries Sun fuels your pursuits. You’ll chart a course towards triumph.


Feb 20 – Mar 20

Today’s Quarter Moon encourages you to navigate the seas of your social life. Cherish your old and loyal friends like treasures of the past. Investing in your relationsh­ips and yourself can yield rich dividends. Set sail and relish the journey of self-discovery and connection with open arms.

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