Mid Sussex Times



Cryptic Clues:


7. Naughty ladies men dream of (6) 8. Take stock (6) 10. People who live near it have little latitude (7)

11. Not desirable company, it’s said (5)

12. Point to a tree from the window (4) 13. Quick turn round in public transport (5) 17. A place to be occupied in the Albert Hall (5) 18. Animal found in an overhead position (4) 22. Alter round afterwards (5) 23. People will be annoyed to be given it (7) 24. A trying delay (6) 25. Merchant who gives players a hand (6)


1. Medical problem for a seaside resort (7) 2. Petition from Queer Street (7) 3. Clerical material (5)

4. Run true to form in training (7) 5. Rear to be ruthless (5) 6. Riotous spree in which the bar is overturned (5) 9. A burning romance somehow holds it up (9) 14. Carriage axle-bush for instance (7) 15. Hair style peculiarly English (7) 16. Rushes to find vocations (7) 19. A left arm which may be raised (5)

20. Pound postage (5) 21. Partly deaf, terribly behind (5)

Quick Clues:


7. Fold (6) 8. Garland (6) 10. Separate (7) 11. Conjuring (5) 12. Anxiety (4) 13. Grown-up (5) 17. Embrace (5) 18. Manage (4) 22. Kingdom (5) 23. Troubled (7) 24. Stimulate (6) 25. Breaker (6)


1. Score (7)

2. Need (7) 3. Privately (5) 4. Complain (7) 5. Big (5)

6. Disgust (5) 9. Shopkeeper (9) 14. Weather (7) 15. Eyeglass (7) 16. Blame (7) 19. Salute (5)

20. Equal (5)

21. Laud (5)

 ?? ??

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