Mid Sussex Times

Charity wants to set up more support groups


It supports people via local support groups, a helpline and an online support forum for any patient with these conditions.

Phil Cotterell is the Sussex regional organiser. He said: “PMRGCAUK is the only charity in existence dedicated to promoting knowledge and awareness amongst the public, with those diagnosed and their families, as well as raising the profile of the conditions with the medical profession.”

Polymyalgi­a rheumatica (PMR) is a condition that causes pain, stiffness and inflammati­on in the muscles around the shoulders, neck and hips.

Phil said: “It often makes walking and doing everyday tasks very difficult. Typically

getting out of bed in the morning and standing and walking is very difficult.”

It is an age-related condition. Most people diagnosed with it are over 70, and it's very rare in people younger than 50. It's also more common in women than men.

It's estimated 1 in every 1,200 people in the UK develop the condition every year.

A corticoste­roid medicine called prednisolo­ne is the main treatment for polymyalgi­a rheumatica.

It's used to help relieve the symptoms.

Phil, 62, lives in Worthing. He was diagnosed with PMR in 2017. He had the classic symptoms of stiff and painful neck and shoulders as well as difficulty getting out of bed and moving in the mornings.

Over a number of years Phil was prescribed steroids, which seemed to help but had on multiple occasions been told he didn’t have PMR and his medication was modified.

He said: “Then in July 2020 I noticed a marked deteriorat­ion in my walking. I was feeling quite exhausted with exercise despite being fit and active, including a lot of hill walking. The change was stark. I saw another rheumatolo­gist who again told me I didn’t have PMR and to get off steroids. He did though refer me for an FDG PET-CT scan at the University of Sussex.”

From this a diagnosis of Large Vessel Vasculitis (LVV) was made in September 2020. Phil had inflammati­on in the aorta, carotid and subclavian arteries. He then started high dose steroids but felt no better and was started on methotrexa­te as well in the October.

He said: “I found I could not reduce the steroids below 20mg without being very fatigued and started tocilizuma­b injections in February 2021. This is a monoclonal antibody used to treat inflammati­on.”

Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) is the more serious condition of the two. Otherwise known as temporal arteritis, it is where the arteries, particular­ly those at the side of the head (the temples), become inflamed.

Phil said: “Blindness can occur in about 20 per cent of people. GCA is a disease known as ‘giant cell’ because of the presence of very large inflammato­ry cells in the wall of the arteries, causing them to swell and sometimes become blocked.

"The condition affects large arteries of the head, neck, upper limbs and the main artery of the body – the aorta. If GCA affects the arteries of the head it is known as temporal arteritis because the temporal arteries to the side of the forehead can be visibly swollen.”

GCA exclusivel­y affects people over the age of 50 and primarily in those between the ages of 60 and 80 years.

Phil said: “It is a rare condition thought to affect about 19 people per 100,000 over the age of 50 years. In a

 ?? ?? The Worthing support group, Phil is on the far left.
The Worthing support group, Phil is on the far left.

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