Midweek Sport




lezza Sacha Parkinson has told how she is being plagued by rumours that she’s obsessed with sex toys.

The busty blonde, who last month quit as lady-loving Sian Powers, says someone is doing the rounds of her home city of Manchester claiming she spent a fortune on DILDOS.

So the 19-year-old – whose character was dating cobbles cracker Sophie Webster – took to Twitter to set the record straight.

She said: “Hahahaha just heard the funniest thing! My friend said someone told her that 3 years ago I went into Ann Summers and bought one of everything in there.. They apparently know someone, who knows someone who knows a security guard there... You know the one?

“So just to clarify... when I was 16?! SIXTEEN?! I was shopping in Ann Summers? And more to the point had thousands to spend in there?!

“I can’t even buy Tampax now without burning up never mind traipsing around a kinky shop in the Trafford centre! IM BURNING UP WRITING THIS!

“(sorry for the distastefu­l tweets) it just fascinates me how stories get created.

“Someone must have been very bored that day ;)”

A pal of the star said: “Sacha does not want anyone to think she is completely sex mad – just because she once played a lesbian on the telly does not mean she is obsessed with dildos.”

 ??  ?? CORR-ONATION TREAT: Sexy Sacha is a huge hit with fellas and ladies
CORR-ONATION TREAT: Sexy Sacha is a huge hit with fellas and ladies
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