Midweek Sport



SEXY Jodie Marsh says she might get her big boobs reduced because they’re so annoying!

The glamour model turned body builder finds her massive norks are a hindrance when it comes to pumping up her muscles.

Jodie, 33, had a boob job four years ago taking her from a 32E to a 32G but she says her whopping pair are now too big.

She said: “To be honest I’d like to have my boobs reduced now because they get in the way of my bodybuildi­ng.

“They are annoying.”

And she says now she’s a muscle-bound bodybuilde­r she has fellas queuing up to date her.



“I’ve never attracted so much interest from blokes in my life. I feel sexier than I have for 10 years.

“It’s been a real eye-opener. For the last two years I went through a complete drought of men.

“No one was chatting me up. I despaired of ever having a boyfriend or even a date again.

“But since I became a bodybuilde­r I’ve suddenly got 50 guys interested in me.”

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