Midweek Sport

Mum should protect a child not confuse them


THAT story about Beck Laxton, the mum who’s brought up son Sasha as gender neutral, made my blood boil.

I just can’t get my head round why you would do that to a child.

As his mum, she should protect him, not confuse him and leave him wide open to be bullied and picked on.

He’s only five years old for God’s sake!

Life is hard enough without him not even knowing if he is a boy or a girl. She’s made him look like a freak and now this story will follow him around for life.

She says that she’s done it because she doesn’t believe in “stereotype­s.” What a load of b*****ks.

She’s just a selfish nutter and she shouldn’t be allowed to have a kid.

I’ve got a son myself who is autistic, and because there is a chance this is genetic I’ve taken the decision not to have any more children. I don’t want my Luca to be an only child though. I hate thinking that when I’m gone, he will be on his own.

But I won’t be able to adopt because I’ve worked in the adult industry. It makes me sick. I work hard, pay my taxes, have a lovely house and I’m a good mum.

I’ve got so much love to give to a child but I’m denied this chance.

Yet this nutter gets to ruin her kid’s life. She’s a bloody disgrace. MY lovely sister Alyson is off to have her PIP implants replaced.

The clinic she went to, Enhance Your Body, in London, has agreed to replace them for £2,800 which is pr etty good as they had been in there for 16 years!

She’s seeing Jor dan’s excellent surgeon, Dr Shiva Singh, and can’t wait to have her new boobs, especially with the health scare that’s happened.

She’s really pleased about it but I feel for the other poor women who ar e being left high and dr y and ignored by those clinics who were quite happy to take their cash.

I don’t blame the surgeons. It’s the health watchdogs who are to blame for letting the implants be used in the first place.

I’m all for tighter controls on the plastic sur gery industry. It worries me sick that can inject Botox or fillers.

God knows what kind of f***ed up faces we will see in 20 years’ time with all the cowboys that are out there.

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