Midweek Sport

Let’s Dance...them right off the show


The Beeb’s

is supposed to be funny – and some of it was.

Radio royalty Tony Blackburn and “Diddy” David Hamilton going full-on gangsta to Salt’n’pepa’s Push It? Funny.

Telly tart Ulrika Jonsson “demanding” cash to take part? Funny.

Judge Keith Lemon telling excrickete­r Darren Gough he looked like Terry Scott when he danced? Funny. And, weirdly, absolutely spot-on.

BBC1’S decision to appoint Alex and Steve Jones as presenters? Funny. But not funny ha-ha.

The Joneses – no relation, although they are both Welsh so spring from the same gene puddle – had the comic timing of Iran’s nuclear programme. But far less chemistry.

If laughter is a burning chip pan, these two are the damp tea towels. Every madcap moment was immediatel­y smothered by their fake grins and forced banter.

The One Show’s Alex is often billed as the “girl next door”. The girl next door to what? An abattoir? A funeral parlour? One of those Welsh villages we flooded to supply Liverpool with tap water?

It must have been somewhere bloody depressing because that woman is a humour vacuum, crushing any banter with a confused “Riiiight...” and getting swiftly back to the autocue. Even the harrowing film of starving Africans was less painful to watch.

Why the BBC ditched Claudia Winkleman for Jones is a mystery. At least Winkleman would have known who Terry and June were!

As for Steve, he is a man who can only ever experience true joy in front of a mirror.

He did, however, provide one of the biggest laughs of the evening, albeit by mistake. When comic Terry Alderton, dressed as Tina Turner, jokingly asked him “to make an old woman very happy”, I can’t have been the only one to think: “He already has. He shagged Pamela Anderson.”

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