Midweek Sport

TABOO having sex with animals



DOWNING six pints of Stella and shagging someone you shouldn’t isn’t particular­ly uncommon.

Only, gay chef Stephen Hall took things one step further towards the realms of sick when a boozy session on the strong Belgian lager ended with him committing buggery with a nanny goat.

Hall, 23, was caught romping half-naked with the goat in front of a train load of people in 2002.

He was handed a six-month jail term after admitting the offence.

The Hull to Bridlingto­n train had stopped at a red light, overlookin­g a shelter of tin sheets where Hall had imprisoned the nanny goat with his belt.

Hull Crown Court was told that Hall had decided to assault the animal in what he described as a “spontaneou­s act”.

In an interview with at the time, Hall, said he’d downed six pints of Stella and was upset after splitting up with a boyfriend.

He told us that when he saw the tethered goat he “got horny, you know how you do?” He initially denied the offence to police – but goat hairs were found in his underpants. AS far as sex with dogs is concerned, loner Gareth Owen was an early starter.

The 22-year-old confessed to having sex with his Golden Labrador, which he called Andrex.

In a case dubbed “soft, strong, and very, VERY wrong”, Owen also admitted interferin­g with a number of family pets and horses from his early teens.

Prosecutor Lynne Dalton told Teeside Magistrate­s in January this year that Owen, from Hartlepool, first had sexual contact with a mate’s dog when he was 14.

She said: “There had also been indecent contact with two previous dogs which had been owned by him, as well as horses.

“He also declared that his sexual interest with his pet Andrex happened when it was 14 months old.”

Owen, who wrote sex stories and also had a stash of other illegal porn, has been locked up indefinite­ly.

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