Midweek Sport



A SEX offender with a fetish for high heels has been jailed for attempting to swipe a woman’s shoe from her FOOT.

Shoe pervert Jess Collinson, 24 – who was already subject to a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO) for previous similar offences – tried to steal the woman’s shoe as she walked home from a takeaway on a night out on October 5 last year.

His defence said Collinson “likes stiletto heeled shoes, particular­ly those which are larger than five inches, and gets sexual gratificat­ion from holding such shoes”.

Jailing him, the judge said: “You are a high risk to the public, particular­ly to lone females, and you have a fetish with highheeled shoes with stiletto heels.”

The prosecutor had told York Crown Court: “At the end of the evening, on the way home, the victim called at a takeaway.

“She was sitting on the bench outside with a friend as they ate when she noticed a man hanging around nearby.

“She had almost reached the safety of her home when the defendant approached her and attempted to remove her shoe. She kicked out with some force and the defendant made off.”

Collinson, who was convicted of robbery for an earlier offence when he succeeded in taking a shoe off another woman, was made the subject of a SOPO in 2010 and was placed on a three-year Community Order. The court heard: “There was a clear underlying sexual motive in this case. The woman has been extremely unnerved by the offence and that has had an affect on her life. The victim was more vulnerable as the offence took place late at night and she had been walking alone, although the degree of force used had been minimal.

Collinson, of Scarboroug­h, North Yorks, who insisted he had been at home with his partner on the night of the incident, later pleaded guilty to the charge of attempted theft.

He was given a custodial sentence of 16 months and a restrainin­g order has been placed on him to prevent any contact with his victim.

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RISKY: Shoe pervert Collinson

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