Midweek Sport

Drug dealing glamour babe on coping with the hell of life behind prison bars


A TOP glamour girl banged-up for dealing drugs told how she went toe-to-toe with a violent gang of prison HOOKERS, who picked on her for being a topless pin-up.

Pretty Ashlea Massey was sent down in April 2011 and handed a lengthy three year sentence for conspiracy to supply cocaine and cannabis.

She’d been found guilty – along with model friend Jenny Laird, plus co-defendants Ronald Finnegan and Neil Holland – following her trial at Stafford Crown Court.

While Ashlea’s stunning looks won her armies of admirers on the outside, on the inside her charms made her a target for HATE.


Ashlea, from Tamworth, Staffs, served 14 months in HMP Foston Hall, HMP Styal and HMP Drake Hall, and was regularly shipped between nicks after becoming embroiled in hellish FIGHTS.

The 23-year-old’s nightmare came to a head in HMP Styal, Cheshire, as a marauding pack of former prostitute­s tried to make her life a misery.

Perky 32B Ashlea explained: “I’m not violent, but I speak my mind – which doesn’t go down well in prison.

“If someone yells at you, or slags you off, you have to tell them you’re not happy about it, otherwise you’re in trouble.

“From the moment Jenny and I arrived we had everyone’s backs up because of our careers as topless glamour models.

“Girls would call us the ‘Plastics’ and nicknamed us ‘Posh and Becks’.

“A lot of girls used to try and pick on me and call me a porn star, even though I’ve never done any adult stuff.

“I tried to stick up for myself, telling them to sod off. But then one day things took a turn for the worse.

“I was on my own during ‘associatio­n’ – which is what they call your hour a day of free time – when ten women bust into my cell, bent on causing trouble.

“They backed me into a corner asking if I liked having cock up me on camera and getting paid for it. I was terrified. I was just waiting for the punches to start raining down.

“It was the one time I felt the most intimidate­d while in prison. But somehow I stood my ground and sternly informed them I didn’t do porn.

“That’s when they said they’d all worked as hookers. They were screaming, ‘ Do you think you’re too good to have sex for money? You f***ing slag’. “My reaction was ‘Oh sh*t.’ “But I couldn’t back down. “I held my ground. They were telling me to apologise but I said, ‘No’.

“I told them they could gang up on me all they wanted but I wouldn’t be intimidate­d. Deep down, of course, I was sh*tting myself, but I couldn’t show it.

“In the end they got bored and walked off. When they left I realised I was shaking with the adrenaline.”

On May 10 last year Ashlea was finally released from jail, and celebrated her new found freedom with an almighty, allnight BONK-A-THON!

She said: “Aside from my family and friends, sex was the thing I missed the most.


“I was celibate for 14 months. By the time I came out and I was absolutely gagging for it.

“The first thing I did after I got home was called a f*ck buddy of mine and arranged to meet him the next day.

“The poor bloke didn’t know what had hit him! I was absolutely bang up for it. I’m telling you now, I had a lot of pent up frustratio­n.”

Now settled back into normal life, Ashlea is hoping to kick start her modelling career and get herself back on track.

She adds: “That part of my life is over now and I want to move on. I don’t want to keep having to relive it.”

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