Midweek Sport

Cockney tossers killing the Beeb


LET me tell you what annoys me most about the new BBC1 show Eat Well For Less?

It’s not the fact that it is clearly a rip-off of a thousand other shows.

And it is not the blindingly obvious conclusion­s that it draws about the best way to reduce your shopping bills – like buy less overpriced shit, eat what you buy, stop being such a greedy twat, etc.

It is not even the Cockney wankerishn­ess of the shouty presenting team, Masterchef shrapnel Gregg Wallace and new sidekick Chris Bavin – aka Wallace and Vomit.

All of those things are truly deeply irritating, obviously.

But the worst thing about this absolute steaming turd of a show is the question mark in its title.

It is not called Eat Well For Less, Eat Well For Less?

That means they are not really sure. They think they know how to eat well for less but have added the question mark just to cover their own backs.

Once it was the world’s greatest broadcaste­r. Now the BBC is so scared of its own shadow that it no longer believes the title of its own f**king cookery show!


you see, but DANNY Dyer revealed an embarrassi­ng secret on ITV1’s

due to a medical condition, one of his bollocks is “the size of a jacket potato”.

Thanks for the info, Danny. No, we don’t want to see the hot cheesy

filling. CORONATION Street’s lesbian tramp Maddie is looking forward to her 18th birthday pressie off girlfriend Sophie.

“Is it something I can eat?” she wondered.

It turned out to be a dirty weekend in a posh hotel.

So…yes and no.

 ??  ??

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