Midweek Sport

Shock poll reveals 1-in-3 admits…

Viola Healey says…


FOR me, it’s all about numbers. I slept with quite a few people before I got with my partner, so it makes sense that one of them would be better.

I had a fling with one bloke who was amazing. He didn’t have the biggest member, but he knew just how to use it properly.

The sex we had was wild, even though we weren’t really together. We both knew what we wanted and we took it.

He would come over just for sex and there wasn’t that emotional connection. We didn’t care about being embarrasse­d or things getting awkward.

It meant we weren’t scared to say what we wanted, no matter how kinky. NEARLY one in three Brits says they’ve already had the best sex of their lives – with an EX!

In a shock poll of 2,000 men and women, over 30 per cent reckon their best bonking days are behind them.

But rather than having mind-blowing orgasms with their current partners, they revealed the BEST shag they’d ever had was with a former flame.

And according to relationsh­ip expert Joel Mangel, this is because some people have their wildest sex with casual partners.

He revealed: “For a lot of people it can be a real boost for passion if there’s no emotional attachment.

“Because they don’t worry about feelings getting in the way, they can really let loose and explore their carnal desires.”

The survey also revealed that a whopping 42 per cent of people feel like their partner doesn’t do as much for them sexually as they used to.

One quarter even confessed they would like their other half to do something different between the sheets.

And perhaps the most surprising discovery is that half the participan­ts said they would rather have a quiet night than bonk.

One in three people claim they “regularly” make up excuses to avoid sex, while 43% admit using sex toys to maintain a healthy sex life.

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