Midweek Sport

Pink tribute for Kirsty’s last journey


HUNDREDS of people wore pink and lined streets to pay tribute to inspiratio­nal fundraiser Kirsty Howard at her funeral.

Crowds applauded as the cortêge, led by a horse-drawn white hearse, travelled to St Michael & All Angels church in Wythenshaw­e, Manchester.

The 20-year-old, who died last month after defying medical odds, made her last journey in a pink coffin.

Her parents, Lynn and Steve, had been told Kirsty would not live past her fourth birthday after she was born with her heart back to front.

Yet Kirsty, who had only just celebrated her birthday, raised more than £7.5 million for Francis House Children’s Hospice in Manchester, which was opened by Diana, Princess of Wales, in 1991.

During her lifetime she became a fundraiser for the charity and became the face of its appeal to help care for terminally­ill children.

Among those paying tribute to her was Royle Family star Sue Johnston and Coronation Street actress Samia Ghadie. The private service was also attended by opera singer Russell Watson. Following news of her death he had tweeted, “My inspiratio­nal friend Kirsty Howard is with the Angels. My heart is aching so much. RIP Angel forever xxxx”

Watson’s track Nothing Sacred Anymore, which he recorded for Kirsty, was played as her coffin was carried into the church.

Dozens of people who were unable to fit into the church gathered by the doors to try to hear what was being said.

Actress Sue Jenkins and her singer and stage star son Richard Fleeshman also attended the funeral.

Fleeshman, who won Soapstar Superstar in 2006, donated his £200,000 prize money to The Kirsty Appeal.

Actress Johnston gave a reading at the funeral service.

Anyone who wishes to donate can do so at justgiving.com/ kirstyclub or www. thekirstyc­lub.com


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