Midweek Sport



HARRY Redknapp hit the nail on the head when he was in Stamford Bridge’s pundit box for BT Sports on Saturday.

“You win with grace, you lose with grace,” he said, criticisin­g Jose Mourinho’s latest post-match antics.

The Chelsea boss first refused to answer any questions in his post-match interview.

Then he sulked his way through a press conference with all the petulance of a toddler.

A man who was once a breath of fresh air in the Premier League is becoming staler by the day.

Oh, and by the way – Jürgen Klopp’s Liverpool beat him at the Bridge 1-3! BILLS are hard enough to pay for without a hefty one landing unexpected­ly on your doormat.

And we’ve all been there, haven’t we?

The routine MoT test that throws up all sorts of engine problems. A horrible brown envelope from the taxman. The gas bill after a particular­ly cold winter.

More recently there has been mobile phone roaming charges making headlines, when some people have returned home from holidays abroad only to find themselves with a massive charge for data usage.

And it’s true, the mobile phone operators have been having a field day as unsuspecti­ng customers scour Facebook and update Twitter from their sun loungers, unaware of what it’s costing them.

Last week the European Union moved to scrap data roaming charges throughout its 28 member states, so that using phones in mainland Europe will be charged the same rate as at home.

Theoretica­lly this means that when this system eventually comes into play we can save money. But actually the opposite will be true.

For starters, most people don’t spend their lives travelling between different European countries.

That sort of lifestyle is reserved for just a few – the well-heeled business executives and, yes, Members of the European Parliament like me.

So while my fellow MEPs and I can look forward to lower phone bills in the future, what does that mean for the vast

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