Midweek Sport



A TEACHER’S aide lavished a 15-year-old schoolgirl with love notes and jewellery before having sex with her on his bedroom FLOOR, a court heard.

Maths assistant Hamid Bhatti, 24, allegedly slept with the year 10 pupil 14 times after grooming her at her school.

The girl, who was studying for her GCSEs, had developed a “crush” on him and thought him “good looking”, it was said.

They crossed paths between lessons at the school in Yeovil, Somerset, and swapped numbers via Facebook after she messaged him from a pal’s account.

Concerns were raised when the girl was spotted blowing Bhatti a kiss, it was claimed.

When challenged, the two conspired together, saying it was a “joke”, denying there was anything untoward going on, Taunton Crown Court heard.

But they were already in a sexual relationsh­ip and over eight months, Bhatti allegedly slept with the girl – then 14 – at least 14 times, it’s claimed.

On one occasion, Bhatti slept with the girl – who was drunk after going to a party – on his bedroom floor while her teenage friend slept in his bed, prosecutor­s claim.

He also told her he loved her and gave her a necklace and money, the court heard.

Bhatti and the girl, who cannot be named, were questioned multiple times by police but she lied to stop him from getting into trouble, it was said.

Bhatti was sacked from his job in June 2014, but he and the girl said they’d never slept together, with Bhatti saying the girl pestered him.

But a jury was told that he initiated ACCUSED: Cops say girl’s DNA was on one found in Bhatti’s bedroom intimacy with the youngster after inviting her on a date while he was still employed by the school.

And Bhatti, now of Rochdale, Lancs, allegedly wrote her a note, found by her mother, which said: “Hey baby, I’m sorry I had to leave this morning for work. You were amazing last night as always.”

Investigat­ing police caught the girl trying to flee Bhatti’s home in Yeovil and discovered a used condom with the pupil’s DNA on it in his bedroom.”

He admits sleeping with the girl in February 2015 but denies knowing she was underage at the time.

The trial continues.

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