Midweek Sport


May’s dig at Sturgeon in Commons

- By COLIN HURST news@sundayspor­t.co.uk

THERESA May has taken a swipe at Nicola Sturgeon for seeking a second referendum as she welcomed the passing of the Brexit Bill last night.

Yesterday the Bill passed successful­ly through Parliament without amendment – which means the PM can trigger Article 50 whenever she chooses.

Addressing Parliament on last week’s EU Council summit, the PM took aim at the Scottish First Minister by saying that now was the time to “bring our country together” and “to honour the will of the British people”.

Yesterday Sturgeon’s announceme­nt that she would seek a second Scottish referendum threw a spanner in the works – but Downing Street insisted that it was always the intention to trigger later in March.


Mrs May was heckled as said she was working “closely with the devolved administra­tions including the Scottish government and listening to their proposals”.

And she stressed: “The Scottish people do not want a second independen­ce referendum.

“We will be taking in the interests of the whole of the United Kingdom – including the people of Scotland.”

She hailed the safe passing of the Brexit Bill and confirmed she would return to the House after triggering Article 50 “later this month”.

“This will be a defining moment for this country,” she told MPs, vowing to carve “a new role for ourselves in the world”.

After days of speculatio­n that she could fire the starting gun this week, it is now thought that Mrs May will start the official process for leaving the EU at the end of March.

This will begin with a letter to the EU Council President Donald Tusk, and a response is then expected within 48hrs.

On Monday night MPs rejected an amendment from the Lords on the matter, as Brexit Secretary David Davis said it would encourage the EU to give us a bad deal.

 ??  ?? WARNING: Prime Minister ( left) told SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon ( below) now is the time to honour the will of the British people
WARNING: Prime Minister ( left) told SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon ( below) now is the time to honour the will of the British people

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