Midweek Sport


Cop loses bollock in ‘prank gone wrong’


A POLICEMAN slapped his colleague so hard in the BALLS he had to have one surgically removed.

Constable Paul Vella was accused of hurting Senior Constable Gary Stoddart, 41, so badly that he had to have a testicle surgically removed after the prank went wrong.

The 27-year-old officer was arrested and charged with assault causing actual bodily harm, grievous bodily harm and common assault over the eye-watering sack whack.

Vella told a court in Sydney, Australia, that the pair would often flick each other’s gonads as a running joke and said it had happened up to 50 times previously.

But the victim claimed that on this occasion, in May 2015, Vella grabbed his balls at Glebe Police Station, New South Wales, and squeezed hard.

Stoddart said he visited several doctors because of the ACCUSED: Officer Paul Vella arrives at court pain Vella caused and he was diagnosed with epididymit­is, where the tubes inside the testicles swell up.

There were no witnesses or CCTV footage, but the trial was shown medical records and text messages between the two men.

However Magistrate Robert Williams found Vella not guilty of assault and said there was “little if any consistenc­y” between the two men’s accounts.

Vella’s barrister Danny Eid added: “Police have got a very stressful job and they play practical jokes on each other from time to time.”

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