Midweek Sport

SEX FORUM Night-time legover is good for a day’s work!


BONKING the evening before work officially boosts your productivi­ty, a new survey has revealed.

According to the study, if you knock boots at night when you have work the next day you will perform at your best in the office.

The results showed that just one romp can boost your mood by five per cent the following morning, regardless of how much sleep you get.

And it’s not just blokes who feel the benefit of a good shag, the study found it left women feeling just as cheery.

The survey was carried out by boffins at the Oregon State University who quizzed 159 married employees about the effects of their sex lives.

Couples were asked to keep a sex diary recording how many times they romped between getting home and leaving for work the next morning.

They were also asked to fill out questionna­ires three times a day for two weeks, rating their emotions and their levels of motivation.

Professor Keith Leavitt said: “We make jokes about people having a ‘spring in their step’, but it turns out this is actually a real thing.

“Maintainin­g a healthy healthy sex life will help employees stay happy and engaged in their work, which benefits the employees and the organisati­ons they work for.”

The science behind the findings is that dopamine and the ‘hug hormone’ oxytocin are released during sex which make people feel closer to their partner, and the effects last well into the next morning.

We asked Sport stunna Kelly Holland what she makes of the findings and whether the Luton-born model has ever noticed a boost in her mood following a night’s shagging.

The 23-year-old said: “Well that’s good news, isn’t it!

“Most people are usually pretty tired when they get home from work after a long, hard day – but I bet they’d hop straight into bed if they knew it would make the next day stress-free.

“It’s not like I need a reason to have more sex, but now if he tries to use the ‘I’m tired’ excuse I can persuade him by saying it’ll help us at work.

“And I bet employers are happy too. They’ll probably start encouragin­g their staff to go home and bonk!”

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