Midweek Sport

We were so turned on by horny sex tape


I’VE been with my girl for six months and we enjoy great sex. We are into a bit of light bondage and also enjoy browsing through lots of naughty websites. Then a couple of months ago she came home with a DVD cam she had borrowed from one of her colleagues at work – and I knew straight away what she had in mind. released my hard cock before taking me in her mouth.

We were both so turned on she could sense I was about to climax, so she withdrew her lips just in time.

We were still horny, so we took the camera upstairs and shot another scene.

This time she got dressed in her favourite dominatrix outfit – some nice black leather gear.

She then tied me to the bed and took her time pleasuring me with her hands, tongue and a whip before easing herself down on me.

She orgasmed three or four times in quick succession before she rolled off me, gasping for breath.

Then we went downstairs again to watch ourselves in action on the big telly in the lounge.

And it was so horny that we had to have another rampant session right there and then before we finally collapsed in a heap, totally exhausted.

I’ve since found out that my girlfriend copied the sex tape onto her mobile phone and has been showing it to her girlie mates.

Well, I have to confess I didn’t like her doing that at all and I feel a bit used and betrayed.

What do you think?

Sam says…

GM, Wilts STOP moaning – most blokes would be really pleased to be shown off like that to their partner’s pals. She clearly thinks you’re a bit of a stud, or else she wouldn’t have shown them in the first place.

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