Midweek Sport



A SHADOW cabinet minister has described a key Labour Brexit policy as “bollocks”, according to reports.

Barry Gardiner ( far right) dismissed the party’s demands for the exact same benefits afforded by membership of the single market after Britain leaves the European Union.

The shadow internatio­nal trade secretary has already had to issue an apology over controvers­ial comments he made during the same event in Brussels about the Irish border row.

In the latest remarks, Mr Gardiner was discussing the six tests Labour has set for the Brexit deal.

In a recording obtained by the BBC, he reportedly said: “Well let’s just take one test – the exact same benefits. Bollocks. Always has been bollocks and it remains it.

“We know very well that we cannot have the exact same benefits and actually it would have made sense – because it was the Tories that said they were going to secure the exact same benefits – and our position should have been to say they have said they are going to secure the exact same benefits and we are going to hold them to that standard.”

Mr Gardiner apologised yesterday after a recording of a question and answer session at a think tank event in March emerged where he suggested the Good Friday Agreement that helped bring peace to Northern Ireland is outdated.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn later issued a statement saying the accord must be cherished.

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