Midweek Sport


- By BECCA STUBBS becca@sundayspor­t.co.uk

SMALLVILLE actress Allison Mack tried to lure Emma Watson and singer Kelly Clarkson into her weirdo sex cult, it has been claimed.

The 35-year-old is accused of recruiting slaves into the secretive NXIVM organisati­on while its founder Keith Raniere allegedly subjected them to humiliatin­g acts.

Raniere’s and Mack’s initials were branded onto the pelvic area of women who joined the cult, which has a large base in Albany, New York.

Now it has emerged Mack tried to recruit Harry Potter star Watson, 28, and singer Clarkson, 36, both champions of feminism and known supporters of women’s rights.

Mack reportedly tweeted the pair about an “amazing women’s movement” and invited them to have a “chat” with her about it.

In 2016, she tweeted Watson saying: “I’m a fellow actress like yourself & involved in an amazing women’s movement I think you’d dig. I’d love to chat if you’re open.”

A month later she tweeted the star again, writing: “I participat­e in a unique human developmen­t & women’s movement I’d love to tell you about.”

Three years earlier she wrote to Clarkson: “I heard through the grapevine that you’re a fan of Smallville. I’m a fan of yours as well! I’d love to chat sometime.”

Several members of the cult reportedly held wild parties on billionair­e Richard Branson’s private Caribbean island.

The goings-on inside the organisati­on were exposed after two former members, known as Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2, spoke out.

Mack referred to herself as Raniere’s “slave” and he as her “master”.

She has been serving as leader of the cult since Raniere, 53, was arrested in Mexico, where many high-profile members fled earlier this year.


They both deny federal charges of sex traffickin­g and of conspiracy to commit forced labour.

The allegation­s against Raniere and Mack were outlined in the Complaint and Affidavit in Support of Arrest Warrant that was filed in February.

U.S. Attorney Richard Donoghue said in a statement: “As alleged in the indictment, Allison Mack recruited women to join what was purported to be a female mentorship group that was, in fact, created and led by Keith Raniere.

“The victims were then exploited, both sexually and for their labour, to the defendants’ benefit.”

Mack has yet to comment on the allegation­s, while Raniere is being held without bail after the U.S. attorney’s office told the court the cult leader previously had sexual relationsh­ips with two minor females aged 15 and 12.

He and Mack are facing possible life sentences behind bars.

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 ??  ?? ACCUSED: Star Allison Mack’s now being held without bail TARGET: Kelly was wanted by Raniere’s sex cult TWEETED: Mack tried to lure Emma through her social media
ACCUSED: Star Allison Mack’s now being held without bail TARGET: Kelly was wanted by Raniere’s sex cult TWEETED: Mack tried to lure Emma through her social media

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