Midweek Sport



QUICKIE A-FARE: Couple caught shagging in public A COUPLE in their 40s who were caught on camera having sex at a bus stop have been spared a spell in jail.

Carol Taylor, 49, and 41-year-old Alan Severn admitted a charge of outraging public decency after they were caught in the act at the bus shelter in Mansfield, Notts.

A nearby resident heard the pair being noisy at 7.45pm on August 1 last year, and thought they were drunk.

Cops were called, and in a subsequent interview Taylor declined to answer their questions and Severn denied the offence.

But the couple, who are both from Kirkby-in-Ashfield, admitted the charge when they appeared at Mansfield Magistrate­s’ Court on Friday.

Prosecutor Robert Carr told the court that on that evening “Ms Taylor took her trousers down, exposing her bottom, and then they started to engage in sexual intercours­e that went on for about 10 minutes”.

Emma Cornell, defending, said: “They fully accept the offence. When it occurred it was a relatively new relationsh­ip. They had been drinking that day.”

Presiding magistrate Keith Ward said: “It certainly goes beyond exposure – this shows total disregard for the general public while in drink.”

They were both given 12 month community orders, but Severn must carry out 150 hours of unpaid work, while Taylor must complete 20 rehabilita­tion activity days.

Each were ordered to pay £170 in costs and surcharges.

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