Midweek Sport

PM stems flow of Brexit resignatio­ns


THERESA May appeared to have stemmed the tide of Brexit resignatio­ns from her Government, as senior ministers rallied around the Prime Minister at the first meeting of her new Cabinet.

Leading Brexiteer Michael Gove left no doubt that he would not follow Boris Johnson and David Davis out of the Cabinet, declaring that he backed the Prime Minister’s plans “100 per cent”.

And Internatio­nal Trade Secretary Liam Fox was seen to shake his head and mouth the word “No” when reporters asked him on his way out of Cabinet whether he was about to quit.

Mrs May gathered her new team at 10 Downing Street as shockwaves continued to reverberat­e in Westminste­r following the first day since 1982 that two Cabinet ministers resigned within 24 hours.

Jeremy Hunt, appointed the new Foreign Secretary as the Prime Minister carried out a hurried reshuffle of her top team, vowed that he would be “four square” behind her in driving through her Brexit plan.

And Mr Gove said he was “absolutely not” planning to resign.

Asked whether Mrs May was in trouble following the rash of departures from her Government on Monday, the Environmen­t Secretary replied: “No.”

And he told reporters outside his London home: “I admire Boris and David very much and I’m sorry that they have left the Government.”

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