Midweek Sport

Take a skinny dip Saturday


WHATEVER the weather, throw off all your clothes and jump in a lake on Saturday.

That’s the message from the American Associatio­n for Nude Recreation which, after a meeting of its organising committee, has “officially designated the second Saturday in July as Internatio­nal Skinny Dip Day.”

The AANR calls “Skinny-dipping, a wholesome tradition as old as mankind and frequently honoured in art and movies. It celebrates the natural joy of plunging into water without the hindrance of clothing.”

For the more modest, AANR encourages those in the “textile world” to observe the day in the privacy of a backyard pool, a secluded spot on a river or lake, or at a sanctioned nude beach or at one of AANR’s 200 clubs and resorts, mainly in America.

And Danielle reckons all women should treat themselves to a new mimsy. She added: “I’d definitely encourage other women to look into it and most importantl­y not to be embarrasse­d about it.

“I’ve had so many messages from women who thanked me for speaking out.

“It wasn’t painful at all, it took 10 minutes to do. It was quick and easy.

“You lie on a coach, they put a probe inside, which has a laser on, they turn it around, then pull it out. Literally, I can’t tell you how much it’s worked.

“£2,000 gets you three treatments – you have it every four weeks…and then you’re brand new again!”

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