Midweek Sport



A CRAZED stalker has been jailed for sending sick threats to her ex-partner – saying she would cut off his genitals and put them in his mouth.

Obsessed Gemma Heppolette, 42, repeatedly threatened to shoot Heath Booton and once said she would “slice up” his current partner.

She also vowed to blow up a gig by the rock singer’s band XLR, Plymouth Crown Court heard. Mr Booton said in a statement that his life had been made an “absolute misery”.

Heppolette b o mbarded him with 71 messages over a period of 13 months in a vicious campaign of harassment, despite a LIVED IN FEAR: Heath Booton court order telling her to stay away.

It is the third set of offences Heppolette has committed against Mr Booton over four years – with the victim and his family only getting peace once she was behind bars.

Jailing her for four years and eight months, Judge James Townsend said: “This was a deliberate, lengthy and highly malicious campaign requiring considerab­le planning and foresight.

“In his own words, you have made his life an absolute misery. It has affected his relationsh­ips, his working life and his mental health.

“What you have done is as bad, if not worse, than an actual serious physical assault.”

Heppolette, of Stoke, admitted stalking Mr Booton, putting him in fear of violence, between February last year and March this year.

She also admitted repeatedly contacting him via social media in breach of a restrainin­g order over the same period.

The offences put her in breach of a suspended prison sentence for earlier breaches of the restrainin­g order.

She was handed a two-year term suspended for two years in February 2017.

Sally Daulton, for the Crown MALICIOUS: Heppolette repeatedly threatened to shoot ex Prosecutio­n Service, said Heppolette used Facebook to send Mr Booton a stream of vile messages under pseudonyms.

One threat said: “You would not look so good with your b*******s in your mouth.”

She repeatedly threatened to shoot him, and also to blow up a gig and “slice up his girlfriend”.

She sent Mr Booton one message at a gig which said: “I have brought my little black friend. Bang, bang. I will use it.”

Another said she would walk on his grave – and defecate on it.

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