Midweek Sport



IF what is on course to be this year’s best-selling book has even a flicker of truth in it, Prince Harry is lost to the rest of us for good.

The spare to the heir has reportedly given a subtle green light to people who know other people who might or might not know the hitherto unknown authors of a new royal tell-all dirge, Finding Freedom.

Despite the writers supposedly having had no contact with Our Ginge and his missus, he’s neverthele­ss quoted saying: “It’s a sick part of the society we live in today, and no one is doing anything about it.

“Where’s the positivity? Why is everyone so miserable and angry?” Let’s try to hazard a guess, shall we? Is it because most of the rest of us weren’t born into unimaginab­le wealth and privilege, with loads of questionab­le military titles and medals thrown in?

WEALTHY WHINGERS: Harry and Meghan and their luxury mansion

Newsman in the searing heat of Africa – surrounded by desperate, dying men, women and children – where without a trace of irony you talked about how “hard” it is being you?

Is it because you appear to not-sosubtly and endlessly raise the spectre of your mother’s tragic but accidental death, implying that it’s all our fault she was a global superstar and nothing whatsoever to do with being part of the very-well-rewarded-foropening-youth-centres Firm?

Is it because you preach about saving the planet while still privatejet­ting off to see Elton and David at one of their many fabulous homes?

Or is it because the pair of you have disappeare­d so far up your own gilt-edged fundaments that you’re peeking out of each other’s mouths?

Especially as it appears Meghan – sorry, her “friends” – is now talking for you?

All this bending the knee stuff lately is making me wonder why Harry, and his bride, aren’t bending their knees to us, the Great British public.

To say ‘ thank you’ for allowing them to live a life almost none of us could ever hope or wish for in a flash mega-pad that inexplicab­ly has more bathrooms than bedrooms.

No, good luck in Tinseltown, kiddiewink­s.

It’ll eat you alive.

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