Midweek Sport



LAST week a well-known politician visited my neck of the woods looking into hotel accommodat­ion currently being provided for what he calls ‘economic migrants’.

Now, Nigel Farage may not be your cup of tea in the slightest, but he’s as entitled to his views as much as you are.

As a reporter living locally, he naturally sought me out to talk to, met and interviewe­d several other people, made a recording about it, and posted it online.

The clip hit people’s phones, tablets and laptops at 5pm on Friday evening.

Hours later on Saturday morning, when the missus flicked the kettle on and then let the dog out at 7am, she was confronted with huge graffiti on the pavement right outside our front gate.

Daubed in white paint, with an arrow pointing to our house, it said, in capital letters: “RACIST C***.”

I’ll take the latter insult on the chin. The “racist” one I absolutely will not.

And I really won’t be in any way accepting that it’s okay to come along and vandalise the pavement outside my home, upsetting not just my family but also my neighbours and friends.

That the cowardly little shit did this in the dead of night tells you all need to know about the self-styled social justice warrior.

I wonder, when I find out who did it and go pay him a visit, perhaps with my own can of paint, if he’ll be such a brave little soldier then?

Bu t wha t happened to us is just another example of how the intolerant left operate.

I don’t mean decent Labour Party supporters – which is still most of them.

No, I’m talking – yet again – about the far left cranks.

These are the people who want to (and have) torn down statues they’ve been walking past without even noticing for years.

The people who insist men can give birth and that chicks do have dicks.

The mad, foaming people normally found at strange rallies banging on about how great The Smiths once were, which was probably before they were even born.

The halfwits who automatica­lly scream “racist” at anyone who doesn’t immediatel­y agree with every mad bit of shit that comes out of their mouths.

These are not real people. They’re nutters. Noisy, never-off-Twitter nutters, yes – but still just nutters. All Farage was doing was making a news report about something the BBC, Channel 4 News and Sky had up-to-then studiously ignored – which is what has been taking place in the English Channel. Specifical­ly, the dozens of dangerousl­y overloaded boats attempting to cross daily to this promised land. Which, remember, is only the promised land when the far left are welcoming these individual­s over here while simultaneo­usly slagging it off for being “racist” and “toxic”. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could make their minds up? But that would involve having a fully functionin­g mind in the first place.

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