Midweek Sport

A PRISON has banned inmates from having Y-FRONTS sent in, it was revealed this week.

- By STIAN ALEXANDER news@sundayspor­t.co.uk

Bosses at HMP High Down in Surrey outlawed underwear – including Y-fronts and boxer shorts – being sent in by friends and family.

Jail chiefs took the decision after finding that folk on the outside were spraying the pants with liquid Spice and then sending them in parcels to inmates.

Jailbirds could then rip the pants into tiny pieces and sell them to other prisoners, who then smoked the zombie drug to get high.

A report into the Surrey jail released last week by inspectors from the Monitoring Board (IMB) revealed how inmates could ‘apply’ for clothing parcels to be sent in - but were warned not to ask for pants.


It stated: “Prisoners can apply for parcels of clothing to be sent in by friends or relatives, except for underwear.

“This is no longer accepted due to problems with it being sprayed with drugs such as new psychoacti­ve substances, such as Spice.”

The report said that all underwear purchases now had to be made through a prisonappr­oved catalogue.

In the past year, the report revealed how there had been 744 drugs finds.

It added: “We remain concerned that despite enhanced gate security, body scanners and other initiative­s introduced to disrupt the flow of illicit items into the prison, the men continue to report to us that there is still a ready supply of drugs available.”

Bosses are currently reviewing the policy and are considerin­g banning all clothing parcels.

The report added: “The way prisoners obtain clothes is being reviewed, so it may be the case that only new items from catalogues will be accepted in future.”

Spice is one of the most widespread drugs in UK prison, with thousands the lags ‘out of it’ on the drug, nicknamed ‘ bird killer’ because it kills time while ‘doing bird’.

Some variants of Spice are so powerful they can make the user think that they are ‘invincible’, and gives them superhuman strength, while others send users into a zombielike catatonic state.

Prison bosses say they are spending £100m across the prison estate to ’ stop drugs getting into prisons’.

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