Midweek Sport

JUSTIN DUNN’S ROOM 101 Unions don’t give an Uncle Buck about us!


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THE late, great, comic actor John Candy might well be raising a wry smile up in the heavens, where he surely lives on.

His biggest and best movie, the wonderful Planes, Trains and Automobile­s, about a hilariousl­y hazardous trip home across the United States, is about to become reality here in Blighty. Just without any of the laughs. We know the trains have come to a halt because the BBC and Sky News cannot excitedly report on the strikes enough.

They’re so desperate for anything that could bring down the government, they are openly 24/7 cheerleade­rs for the hard-left RMT union.

Even though the squint-eyed 70s dinosaurs are demanding unrealisti­c, eyewaterin­g pay rises, the Beeb in particular accepts their request without a flinch. But they would, wouldn’t they? Because the BBC is funded by the real mugs in this country, namely you and me – the taxpayers. not the shareholde­rs, who had to stump up the money?

Not that the unions give a toss where the money comes from, as long as it comes. And plenty of it, too. Now we read that teachers and binmen – again, paid for by us – are lining up to walk out on strike, too. What a coincidenc­e, eh? Anyone would think the unions are still smarting about voters convincing­ly rejecting Corbyn’s communism in the 2019 general election. Funny that. And don’t think for a second it will end there. Other council workers – yes, we also pay for them – will almost certainly be next.


And no matter how many billions we chuck at the NHS, with few tangible results, it is never enough.

Meanwhile, back in the real world of the private sector, where wealth is created and shared, rather than Hoovered up and spent with wild abandon like in the public sector, wages remain stagnant.

And the grown-ups at the Bank of England, no less, are telling us we We literally DO pay their wages shouldn’t ask for “unreasonab­le” pay through the licence fee. rises as more pay would, erm, hurt

Wages that are in most cases the economy. considerab­ly higher than those of The logic seems to be that the the poor bastards – us – who have, by more money you and I earn, it’ll make rule of law, to sustain them. inflation rocket, meaning all of our

The train operating firms are bills will rise accordingl­y. supposedly different, as they’re So the answer seems to be that we owned by shareholde­rs. should pay anyone in a public sector

But they were bailed out with union loads more money that they £16billion of our money during the clearly don’t deserve, but keep the pandemic. rest of us nervously treading water.

Aren’t shareholde­rs meant to prop I somehow doubt that RMT boss up the companies they invest in, Mick Lynch (Mob)’s favourite John rather than just take a chunky Candy film is Planes, Trains and dividend when times are hard? Automobile­s.

And how come it was the taxpayers, Uncle Buck. EMAIL ME: justin@sundayspor­t.co.uk FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @justindunn


 ?? ?? LAUGHS WE USED TO HAVE: John Candy starred in funny films
LAUGHS WE USED TO HAVE: John Candy starred in funny films

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