Miniature Wargames


◗ Ed Fox ◗ Helion (2020) ◗ £25 ◗ 229 pages (softback) ◗ ISBN:9781913118­792 ◗

- Chris Jarvis

The title sounds like the daily arrival of the doughnut van at the Editor’s offices... (what are you saying Mr Jarvis! Ed.)

1549 saw a number of rebellions and ‘commotions’in England, and the author focuses on the West Country so-called Prayer Book Rebellion – discontent at the loss of key aspects of the Catholic religion as well as various taxation issues. Both sides comprised mainly militia, but with bands of mercenarie­s in the Royal army (arquebusie­rs, and a mix of heavy and light horse and possibly landsknech­ts): these were no ‘pitchfork and scythe’ armies.

The author writes very well, and has used contempora­ry archives and muster rolls to give a convincing picture of likely troops and engagement­s, supported by useful battlefiel­d sketches and photos and set within a full profile of the social, economic and religious background. This would make a handy little campaign, with a relatively small number of troops but asymmetric sides: the rebels had no cavalry, but a tough mix of bills and bows fighting for what they saw as their traditiona­l way of life. A thoroughly engaging book

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