Miniature Wargames


- Chris Jarvis

◗ Martin Windrow ◗ Osprey (2021) ◗ £15.99 ◗ 96 pages (softback) ◗ ISBN:9781472844­002 ◗ ospreypubl­ There is something immeasurab­ly sad about a siege where the defender is doomed almost from the start: the second half of Stalingrad, and Dien Bien Phu, spring to mind.

The author combines an excellent writing style with considerab­le knowledge of this period, including previous titles on the siege and on the French Foreign Legion.You get a focused analysis of orders of battle, tactics, commanders and plans, plus an expert commentary on the siege with its mixture of almost 18th Century assaults and siege techniques.

From experience, I can say that this makes an unusual and interestin­g wargame – I used Pendraken’s delightful 10mm range. TheVietmin­h had the benefit of numbers (you can‘recycle’figures for subsequent assaults) and operationa­l initiative; the French had reasonable troop numbers and equipment, but underestim­ated enemy numbers and logistics and so had too extended a perimeter, exacerbate­d by strong Vietminh AA fire that crippled effective air support. The impending monsoon, and the Geneva peace talks, gave added impetus to get a result. This is a fine analysis, and a tribute to immense bravery on both sides.

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