Miniature Wargames


- Chris Jarvis

◗ Colin Turbett; and Claus Neuber

◗ Pen and Sword (2020)

◗ £19.99 each

◗ 242 and 202 pages (hardback)

◗ ISBN:9781526763­280 and 9781526704­269


Two unusual and moving accounts of the Eastern Front in WWII.

‘Red Star’ describes military and civilian life from the Soviet viewpoint, with a mixture of a potted history of the main offensives, chapters on key aspects of the war (food, morale, training, reward and punishment, etc), and collection­s of individual stories. It is about ordinary people caught up in a horrific war – 25 million Soviet dead, 2.8 million permanentl­y disabled, and all within a bleak past (the purges of the 1930s) and a bleak future: veterans faced hardship, indifferen­ce and downright distrust for many years after 1945.

‘Marching From Defeat’ is the diary of a young German officer in the Soviet Operation Bagration offensive in June 1944. Initially‘ lucky’ in avoiding a direct Soviet main assault, his division became encircled and progressiv­ely disintegra­ted. He describes the transition from a wellordere­d life in a cosy frontline bunker, to the initial retreat with high hopes, to the increasing horror of partisan ambushes, devastatin­g air strikes, and the loss of comrades and valuable equipment. He was one of the very few to regain German lines.

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