Model Rail (UK)

Behind the Backscene

Model Rail fires the questions at horse-mad Fiona Mulhall, who reveals an amazing facility for memorising Hornby serial numbers.


1. What is your earliest memory of railways?

Travelling to my aunt’s place in Kent from rural Somerset. I hadn’t realised the world was so big! I was probably about seven years old, but the railways had closed on Exmoor years before, so trains weren’t a common sight at home.

2. What was your most memorable train journey?

There have been many, but for our first anniversar­y my husband, Tim Mulhall, organised a trip to Paris on the Venice-simplon Orient Express.

3. How did you get into the hobby industry?

I was attempting to buy Tim a wagon as a present, and I didn’t know what I wanted, other than it should be GWR. I was shy in those days and found the experience intimidati­ng, so I decided to look online. Options for secure online shopping were slim back then, so we decided to fill a gap and started Ontracks. Although we sold Ontracks about seven years ago, Golden Valley Hobbies was formed from the

remaining part.

4. What did you do beforehand?

Supermarke­t management, although I’m also a trained reflexolog­ist.

5. What hobbies do you have?

Horses, horses, horses!

6. Have you ever built a model railway?

Only wooden ones with the children.

7. What model or craft project are you most proud of?

I’d be the world’s worst modeller. My craft teacher at school asked me if I was going to drop sewing when it got to my ‘O’ Level options. She said that if I didn’t, she would! You can’t be good at everything.

8. If you could build your own dream model, what would it be?

I’m swerving this question, too! But we’re in the process of buying a couple of full-size BR vent vans. The plan is to turn one into a garden room/bar.

9. Where do you find your inspiratio­n?

I’m a workaholic, although not as much as I used to be.

10. Name your favourite railway station?

Union Station, St Louis, USA. A nice hotel for me, and my husband could wander off happily for hours looking at trains! It’s a lovely building, too.

11. What motivates you the most in your job?

We have some lovely customers who make us feel valued. I just love planning, starting out with a mountain of work ahead, then feeling the satisfacti­on at the end of the day.

12. What has been your biggest challenge so far?

Probably the solid wall we met in 1999, when some suppliers refused to supply an internet company, as the internet ‘was a fad’. However, importing and exporting in 2021 seems to be one hell of a mountain, but don’t get me started on that.

13. What has been the best decision you’ve ever made?

Without doubt, my choice of husband.

14. If you could change anything about the hobby, what would it be?

I’d love the year’s new releases to be all available in January, and sell out on December 22!

15. What was your big ambition as a child?

To be an event rider – absolutely no hope!

16. If you had a time machine, where would you go?

While I love history, I’m not into looking backwards. So, possibly 100 years forward to see what becomes of the world with climate change, and trading issues. I think my positivity might well be challenged, though.

17. What’s your hidden talent?

Tim’s the super strategist, but on occasion I have rare flashes of genius, which he can use. However, I have more than my fair share of dumb ideas, too!

18. Do you have any strange quirks that you’re prepared to share?

I can quote Hornby ‘R’ numbers from their back catalogue of the last 20 years.

19. Who is your hero?

I have two: my dad, who was an inspiratio­nal chap, and an excellent sounding board. And my husband, who never ceases to amaze me with what he achieves, whether it’s DIY, general life or work.

20. What was the best advice you ever had?

Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re probably right.

21. How would you like to be remembered?

As a decent human being, and solid parent. My parenting skills are already out of date, but I do have some time to study in case grandchild­ren arrive in the next 20 years.

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