Mojo (UK)

David Holmes



What music are you currently grooving to? The new Cat’s Eyes record, Treasure House, is pretty great. Also, Burning Bridges by Wire is a beautiful thing, Deep Temple by Sun Araw is a psychedeli­c masterpiec­e, and Andrew Weatherall’s Convenanza – he’s a wordsmith and a great writer.

What, if push comes to shove, is your all-time favourite album? There’s a few, all obvious but honest choices – The Velvet Undergroun­d And Nico, Pet Sounds, Astral Weeks, The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars…

What was the first record you ever bought? And where did you buy it? I inherited all of my early music from by mother and older brothers and sisters, but the first record I can remember buying was She’s So Modern by The Boomtown Rats.

Which musician, other than yourself, have you ever wanted to be? Brian Eno! His career always seemed very desirable – from Roxy Music to ambient pioneer, Bowie’s Berlin period through Talking Heads… he was so mysterious and could take public transport with most people not knowing who he was. Result!

What do you sing in the shower? Be-Bop-A-Lula by Gene Vincent and You Really Got Me by The Kinks.

What is your favourite Saturday night record? 1950s rock’n’roll, classic Northern soul and gospel always make an appearance after a few too many gins.

And your Sunday morning record? Roy Montgomery’s Scenes From The South Island. I’ve had this record for nearly 20 years, it never fails me. Also, Observator­y Crest by Seventeen Evergreen – a brilliant cover of the Captain Beefheart classic – and My Hawaiian Home by Bobby Brown is a favourite… total psyched-out bliss.

 ??  ?? Ray Mears’ Tales Of Endurance tour runs from March 1 to April 4 David Holmes’s new band Unloved’s album Guilty Of Love is out on March 4 on Unloved Records. Linda Gail’s Hard Rockin’ Woman is out now on Lanark Records
Ray Mears’ Tales Of Endurance tour runs from March 1 to April 4 David Holmes’s new band Unloved’s album Guilty Of Love is out on March 4 on Unloved Records. Linda Gail’s Hard Rockin’ Woman is out now on Lanark Records

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