Mojo (UK)



The Guided By Voices dynamo on truth, beers and the University Of Rock.

I’d describe myself as… impatient. Optimistic. Insatiable. Curious. I’m always looking to be educated, more informed with truth. I get bored rather quickly. It’s hard to keep me entertaine­d. I’m quick to say something “sucks”.

Music changed me because… it gave me something that I wanted to be a part of. The closest thing to religion other than water or air. It’s one of the only truly honest things I’ve ever known. It makes me honest. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but add these to your list of real shitty albums: The Lewis & Clarke Expedition and the first 10cc album, featuring the hit Rubber Bullets.

When I’m not making music… I drink and make collages. Look for records. Go to Italian restaurant­s.

My biggest vice is… drinking, but I’m in denial. I don’t think it’s that bad. Four hours a day, five times a week. Miller Lite and a shot of Cuervo Gold. Is that bad?

The last time I was embarrasse­d was… I can pretty much take care of that with something new every day.

My formal qualificat­ions are… I studied The Beatles and The Who. I went to school for 30 years. Qualified for what? Rock? Yeah, I did my time.

The last time I cried was… I cried after it sunk in that my father was no longer available to answer my telephone calls when the Reds or the Bengals would blow another game.

Vinyl, CD or MP3? …vinyl, aesthetica­lly. But I like the sound of CDs better because vinyl technology has deteriorat­ed. I’m glad it’s still here anyway.

My most treasured possession is… my wife, although I don’t really possess her. She possesses me. I also greatly appreciate my record, book and movie collection­s.

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