Mojo (UK)

Thalia Zedek


- Thalia Zedek Band’s Eve is out on August 19 on Thrill Jockey.

What music are you currently grooving to? A band from Baltimore called Horse Lords who just released a record called Interventi­ons. They remind me of a cross between Slint and Pharoah Sanders. Also Debo Band, a Boston based Ethiopian/ American combo who just released a great new record called Ere Gobez. They would probably be the first records I’d put on if you came over.

What, if push comes to shove, is your all-time favourite album? Radio Ethiopia by Patti Smith. It’s just such a strange record and it really takes me to “another dimension” to quote one of my favourite tracks.

What was the first record you ever bought? And where did you buy it? I think it was probably The Doors’ Absolutely Live and I’m actually staring at it right now! I confess to having a teenage crush on Jim Morrison and for a short time in my twenties, feeling like I might possibly even be his (re)incarnatio­n. Both of those phases were very brief and very long ago. I probably bought it at Yesterday And Today, an amazing shop in Rockville, MD. Thanks [owner] Skip Groff!

Which musician, other than yourself, have you ever wanted to be? I’ve always wished that I could play guitar like [Come/ Codeine member] Chris Brokaw, he’s so expressive.

What do you sing in the shower? I don’t, but I do like to sing in the rain!

What is your favourite Saturday night record? Little Feat’s Dixie Chicken!

And your Sunday morning record? Kris Kristoffer­son’s Me And Bobby McGee. He’s one of, if not the greatest living American songwriter. I found it sitting out on the kerb in a pile of records. I also found Skip James’ Today! in that same pile. I guess it was my lucky day!

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