Mojo (UK)




Ricky Gervais, Andy Rourke and Thalia Zedek bid you welcome – but which one digs Horse Lords?

What music are you currently grooving to? I’m out of touch, but I like Chvrches, and Sun Kil Moon, and Keaton Henson. If I hear a new artist, it better sound a bit like the stuff I like, though. I love things like Death Cab For Cutie, but they’re R.E.M..

What, if push comes to shove, is your all-time favourite album? The Bends by Radiohead. It can get me in the mood, it can get me through a plane journey, it can put me to sleep because it’s so familiar.

What was the first record you ever bought? And where did you buy it? Stranded by Roxy Music. I used to be cool when I was 13 – the first gig I went to was Iggy Pop. It was from a shop on the first floor of the bus station in Reading.

Which musician, other than yourself, have you ever wanted to be? It’s David Bowie, isn’t it? When I first got to college, I thought I was way ahead liking Bowie, but it was like, “Who’s your favourite artist, apart from Bowie?”

What do you sing in the shower? Nothing. I’m in and out in 30 seconds. But the songs in my head are usually Beatles tracks: (sings) “The long and winding road”– it’s like a headline, then a song, or a Tweet.

What is your favourite Saturday night record? Street Life by Roxy Music or Pretty In Pink by The Psychedeli­c Furs – those swaggery glam-rock anthems.

And your Sunday morning record? It used to be Jimmy Savile on Radio 1 (laughs). It’s classical now. I love Elgar, and Vaughan Williams’ [Five Variants Of] Dives And Lazarus. People don’t realise he invented the film score – that orchestral, pastoral lilt, moving slowly.

The film David Brent: Life On The Road and the album Life On The Road, by David Brent & Foregone Conclusion (Caroline), are both out on August 19.

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