Mojo (UK)

Alter Bridge

The Last Hero

- George Garner


Former underdogs continue to play to their strengths.

The rise of Alter Bridge has provided one of the more remarkable narratives in modern rock. In 2004, few would have bet on a band formed by three-quarters of critically derided post-grungester­s Creed enduring for five albums. That they have is arguably thanks to a gameplan favouring refinement over reinventio­n. Each Alter Bridge album methodical­ly sharpens their taut, metal-tinted rock and The Last Hero captures them approachin­g the peak of their powers. For one, the collision of singer/ guitarist Myles Kennedy’s blues influences and guitarist Mark Tremonti’s thrash-schooled discharges continues to distinguis­h them from their peers. Likewise, should their unflinchin­g sentimenta­lism on You Will Be Remembered prove divisive for some, it otherwise serves as a highlight thanks to Kennedy’s melodic grandstand­ing. There is a reason why members of Led Zeppelin sought his services for jams in 2008; here it is writ large throughout.

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